OnLineTestsIndia.Com is a online website offering practise test for students to check their preparedness. It is a product by LinLax InFoTech Private Limited , An ISO 9001 Certified Company in Coimbatore , Tamilnadu , India
The Practise tests are generated by selecting questions randomly from the database based on the chapters and subject you selected. That means even if you select the same combination of subject and chapters you would get a different practise tests every time and the questions you get would be different than what other user might have received for the same combination.
All the test pack are having trial before purchase. Users can write the trail test after doing free registrations. We are happy to inform that our online practice tests will be the best tool for the aspirants' growth and career development.
Our Test Packs are priced at a moderate level for easy purchase.
The practise tests are time based.
Each test is followed by a step by step self evaluation. All your tests would be saved and available for review in your account panel.